About Ronald Alfred Weitzman

My Story

For the author of this book, Ron Weitzman, education made a gigantic difference in his family. Born outside the United States, Ron’s father barely made it through the third grade here. Thanks to America’s freedom of opportunity, Ron worked his way with the help of scholarships and fellowships to a BA and MA from Stanford and a PhD from Princeton. He has received a Stanford Honors Fellowship; Psychometric Fellowship of Princeton and the Educational Testing Service; and two post-doctoral fellowships, from the National Science Foundation and the United States Public Health Service.

Ron has served on university faculties in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Israel. His specialty areas are mental tests and survey statistics, and he has dozens of publications and three patents in those fields (one in the first and two in the second).

Personal Life

At 93 years old, this is Ron’s his first book. Until now, working solely within his fields of expertise and within the communities where he has made his home, he has lived his life according to Voltaire’s famous advice: “One must cultivate one’s own garden.” What Voltaire feared, the triumph of the worst of mankind, which our country is facing now, has changed Ron’s mind. He hopes that this book will change yours in the same direction, which is action, including voting, to help restore America the Beautiful. Proudly, Ron is a United States Army veteran.

"As a charter member of Hilary Clinton’s basket of deplorables, I wrote Chairman Biden and Dr. Fauci’s Monster to dispel the negative and inaccurate stereotype of MAGA supporters of Donald Trump, to help him win the 2024 presidential election, and—doing this at 93 years old—to counter by example the age discrimination against the two candidates by the very people who say they are against discrimination,"

Ronald Alfred Weitzman